Hello! Im actually at work right now and dont think im even supposed to have access to this site!! So since im here Ill fill you in on whats up in my life.
On September 3, 2006 I married the most crazy amazing man Ive ever met in my life. I know a lot of people say that about their husbands, but Im not the only one who says that about mine!!
We have 2 children..... a 13 yr old Chow-Collie mix named Bouncer and a 1 yr old German Shepherd mix who's name is Schaferhund (shay-ferr-hoond) which is german for "shepherd-dog". I'll post some pics later but cant now cause im at work.
This is where i talked about my job and where i live. However someone was like "oh no kacy you cant put your personal information on the internet". After years of people being like"I dont know why you want to be so personal and isolated". Im so confused. Kinda like when they ask you to take a UA, but you cant pee and if you dont then you fail, so you drink a bunch of water. Then they tell you, you failed b/c its diluted.
Here's to the Butler Community Ag students!
13 years ago