
Im Sorry but Im not

I do apologize if any of my hundreds of millions of readers are offended by my sense of what i think is funny. There. Ive said it once, I wont say it again, and I wont use discretion. Well, maybe a little discretion. River is learning to read.

So, I was wondering a couple things. If i don't shave my legs, is it because im lazy, or because im sooooo busy doing other things? And also, if you see someone looking in the mirror all the time, does it mean they are vain, or self-conscious? And why do you park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?

My sister had a post a few weeks ago about 10 things you would never know about her unless she told you. And she encouraged me to do the same thing! HA! Fat chance here people. Well, maybe i could tell a few things.......um......no, not that.....or that.......ok i got one, so.....oh wait....nevermind.

Boy Scouts

My 2 favorite guys! Yes, Schafer is a boy. You can't see it, but it's there. It's about half the size of my pinkie-finger. Poor little guy. Dan's is quite a bit bigger.