

She's my favorite little person in the whole world. She's 2 in the pic. Shes 4 now. She likes to play office. She likes barbies and pretend and camouflage.She knows how to shoot a rifle. She also knows about gun safety. She makes me weak in the knees. She loves me just as much as i love her. She's my niece.

Brotherly Love

Now's thats freakin precious


It's a hard knock life

Now that's a nice brick circle

It's not quite finished but didn't Daniel do a good job on that circle? We took out all the bricks and put them back down in our design and included a fire pit. Cant wait for summertime, we'll be hangin on the outside.
This is Clarence. We brought him into this world on March 28 2009. He passed that same day. He lived a short uneventful life and died a slow painless death. Welcome to Kansas.